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Features of Oshima Island

A Japanese Geopark

Izu Oshima is an island located approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles) from Tokyo and roughly 25 kilometers (16 miles) from the Izu Peninsula. Oshima is the largest of the Izu Islands, covering an area of around 90 square kilometers (35 square miles). Oshima Island was formed from the Izu Oshima volcano, an active volcano that towers high above the sea floor, and includes Mt. Mihara (altitude 758 meters (2487 feet)), a central cone volcano with a caldera summit. Izu Oshima was selected as one of Japan's top 100 geological sites in 2007, and then certified as the first Japanese Geopark in the Kanto region in 2010. The symbols of Izu Oshima are the camellia, which is well known for its oil and for its use as high-end charcoal material, and the anko-sugata , a traditional Oshima style of dress for women.



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