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Vision for Natural Parks

The natural parks of Tokyo (including national, quasi-national, and prefectural natural parks) cover a broad expanse of approximately 80,000 ha (197,684 acres). These parks include rich and varied natural landscapes, as well as a wide breadth of human activity (industry and culture) rooted in nature.
In recent years, people have been finding more and more ways to enjoy our natural parks. We are also receiving an increasing number of overseas visitors. In the future, the types of park visitors and the forms of use of our parks will only become more diverse. In light of this, we must adapt our parks to accommodate the new, approaching era.
Considering these trends, we have established a vision for Tokyo's natural parks. This vision lays out the ideal form that natural parks should assume, to give their many visitors (from Japan and overseas) an enjoyable experience, while also enhancing the charms of Tokyo's natural parks and protecting their natural environments.
Based on the targets and strategies described in this vision, we will further expand the operations of Tokyo's natural parks.

Vision for Our Natural Parks

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Tokyo Natural Park

  • Vision for Natural Parks
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